After the adventurous boat trip was cancelled due it the great British weather I decided the day was too nice to waste...let’s go and see if we can find some sunshine...
What’s not to love about being outside in the fresh air? FREE and GOOD FOR YOU. As long as you don’t stand on something weird, or splat your feet into a massive cow pat (which prompted a discussion on whether this might actually be good for your feet....I didn’t step in it, but it would have followed this mornings theme of standing on cat sick). Best thing about getting into swimming are the friends I’ve made, all completely barking mad but that’s the best way. My husband has kindly pointed out that I leap into the water very gracefully in the previous video. Must try harder. Apparently it’s also not cool to shriek when leaping about 2 feet away from the water. But hey! I JUMPED OUT OF A PLANE...HOW?? WHY?? Who knows. This was considerably more enjoyable, and cheaper too. Win win.